Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Tidur Sekejap Sebelum Zohor Baik Untuk Kesihatan

Rahsia disebalik tidur sejenak sebelum solat Zohor

                 [U]فوائدالقيلوله          الصحيحة[/u]

قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: (قيلوا فإن الشياطين لا تقيل
قال الجوهري:هي النوم في الظهيرة والمعروف أنه من شروطها أن تكومن قصيرة.
وقد أتى العلم الحديث ليؤكد فوائد القيلولة في زيادة إنتاجية الفرد،ويحسن قدرته على متابعة نشاطه اليومي.

Maksud Hadis:

syaitan tidak melakukan Qailulah, Oleh itu itu orang-orang Mukmin yang melakukan Qailulah atau tidur sejenak sebelum solat Zohor selama 10-40 minit akan memperolehi kerehatan yang cukup, sehingga membolehkannya melakukan ibadat dengan sempurna sepanjang hari.

Sabda Rasullah s.a.w "Lakukanlah Qailulah, kerana sesungguhnya syaitan itu tidak berani Qailulah" (Riwayat ai-Tabrani)

Apa itu Qailulah ?
Qailulah ialah tidur sebentar pada siang hari.

Bila waktu paling sesuai untuk amalkan Qailulah ?
Mengikut pengalaman mereka yang istiqamah mengamalkan Qailulah, waktu paling baik ialah antara pukul 12 tengahari sehingga sebelum Zohor. Namun boleh juga dilakukan selepas Zohor.

Apakah kelebihan atau Kebaikan Qailulah ?
Mengikut kajian, 1 minit Qailulah kualitinya bersamaan dengan 45 minit waktu tidur kita di waktu malam. Jadi, cukup sekadar dapat 15 minit Qailulah, kita sudah boleh bangun solat malam tanpa rasa mengantuk, insyaAllah.

Qailulah @ tidur sekejap waktu tengahari akan memudahkan kita untuk bangun malam dan berqiamulail.

Orang barat memanggil Qailulah sebagai "nap". Di negara barat biasanya "nap" dilakukan dari pukul 2-4 petang. Hasil kajian menunjukan amalan "nap' waktu tengahari dapat mengelakkan penyakit jantung.

Menurut kajian lagi, manusia perlu berehat setelah 6-8 jam berjaga. Kita orang Islam akan bangun seawal jam 5.30 pagi untuk solat subuh. kalau dikira dari waktu subuh hingga pukul 12-1 tengahari, ia sudah cukup 7-8 jam kita berjaga. Jadi Qailulah @ nap ini adalah sangat-sangat berpatutan untuk dilakukan pada masa itu. Ia sangat sesuai denga fitrah badan manusia.

Menurut mereka yang istiqamah mengamalkan Qailulah, sebaik bangkit dari Qailulah, kita mungkin akan pening sedikit selama 5-20 minit. Tetapi selepas itu, kita akan mendapati perubahan mendadak dari segi emosi,
kecerdasan dan fokus.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Relationship Between Heart Attack And Fingers

How fingers can show risk of heart disease

Boys can tell whether they are at risk of a heart attack early in adult life by examining the shape of their hands, scientists believe.
Those with ring fingers the same length or shorter than their index fingers are at most risk of a heart attack in their thirties and forties, the researchers found.
The results, to be published in the next edition of the British Journal of Cardiology, could provide an early warning of potential heart disease.
By studying boys' hands, doctors could spot those who should take measures - such as a low-fat, low-salt diet and regular exercise - to protect their hearts.{2}
Dr John Manning, of the University of Liverpool School of Biological Sciences, who carried out the research, said: 'If a boy has a poor finger ratio, then he is likely to have cardiovascular problems very early in adulthood.'
According to Dr Manning, long ring fingers - in relation to index fingers - are found on males who have relatively high levels of the sex hormone testosterone, which is known to protect against heart disease in men.
Previous research has already claimed that men and women with low finger ratios are more likely to be gay.
Dr Manning has also linked finger size to a range of conditions, including fertility, breast cancer, autism and dyslexia.
Another of his studies has suggested a link with a person's musical ability. He examined 54 men in an orchestra and found they had extremely masculine hand shapes - with their ring fingers much longer than their index fingers.
But the latest study is the first to offer direct evidence of a link between finger length, age and heart attacks.
The research team examined 151 male heart attack victims in Merseyside and found there was a marked difference in the age at which a heart attack had struck, depending on the ratio of index-finger length to ring-finger length.
The age range for heart attacks in men whose index finger was relatively long was between 35 and 80, but in those with relatively long ring fingers, it was 58 to 80.
Dr Manning stressed that a high ratio did not mean a person would definitely have a heart attack while young.
At the same time, someone with a very long ring finger in relation to his index finger could still develop a heart condition early in life through smoking and poor nutrition.
Finger shape and other hand markings are formed very early in foetal development. Just as hand development is influenced by the 'bath' of hormones in the womb, so is the development of the heart, brain and other key organs.
As the relative lengths of fingers appear to stay the same throughout our lives, they are a fixed marker of our life in the womb. Other measurements, such as waist to hip ratio and body mass index, are constantly changing and are affected by age, while finger ratio is not.
Dr Manning said: 'We've got data from two-year-olds upwards which show this is fixed very early. 'We are pushing for recognition by the medical profession that it is a trait worth measuring in children as a predictor of their susceptibility to the onset of disease.'
Separate studies have shown that men with a longer ring finger than index finger have a high sex drive and are more likely to father children. Dr Manning's research gives some credence to the beliefs of palmists and hand-readers.
Traditionally, the ring finger reflects creativity. A ring finger which is short in comparison with the index finger is said to reveal fundamental inhibitions and a lack of spontaneous enjoyment of life. A very long ring finger is supposed to be the sign of a gambler 

Masalah Kolesterol Berlebihan

Hypercholesterolemia’ atau masalah berlebihan kolesterol dalam darah adalah suatu penyakit yang tidak asing lagi bagi rakyat Malaysia.

 Masalah kolesterol sering dikaitkan dengan penyakit jantung yang telah meragut banyak nyawa masyarakat kita.

 Antara punca berlakunya Hypercholesterolemia ialah pemilihan makanan yang tidak seimbang iaitu mengambil makanan yang mengandungi karbohidrat yang tinggi, berlebihan gula, asid lemak trans yang tinggi dan memakan makanan yang diproses. 

Selain itu, kurang aktiviti fizikal atau senaman juga dikaitkan dengan peningkatan kes penyakit ini.

Thursday, 8 January 2015



Ada yang perlukan ramuan Se7en ini, utk cegah saluran vena tersumbat .

Ada yang ambil sebab mahu mengurangkan kolesterol..

Ada yang ambil untuk mengelakkan sakit/serangan jantung dan melancarkan perjalanan darah..

Cuba dan lihat kesannya lepas 1 bulan.. (makan ikut aturan)..

Ramuan siap di bancuh..cuma tinggal nak suap dlm mulut shj..

Berminat, pm saya..
013-4853500 (call /sms/whatapps)